We want to see your best photography of animals - pets or wildlife. Any and all methods of capture and process are welcome.
Submission date for competition: Sunday, April 6th at 5 p.m. Follow instructions to upload on application/registration form.
First Place: $400
Second Place: $200
Third Place: $100
Entry fee: No entry fee.
Eligibility: Open to all Cape-Wide High School students.
Rules: Work that is copied or done under the guidance of an instructor is not eligible. All styles of photography will be accepted; film, digital, alternative process, iPhone, etc. Stills only, no video. Accepted photographs will be included in an online exhibit on Cape LIberty site. This show is sponsored by the Cape Liberty Fund.
Ethical Requirements: Photographs must not portray captive, restrained, manipulated animals, animal models, taxidermy animals, and/or any other animal being exploited for profit. You must not do anything to injure or distress an animal or damage its habitat in an attempt to secure a photograph. This includes flying (or flying a drone) too low or noisily over an animal. An animal’s welfare must always come first. If we suspect that an entry has been achieved through cruel or unethical practices, including the use of live or irresponsible bait, the entry will be disqualified.
Jurors: A panel of professional artists and photographers chosen by the director.
Notification of final selections: Notification will be done by email. If for any reason you don’t receive your notification by the notification date, please check the filters in your email account.
Regulations: By submitting images, you agree that the images are your own work, you own all rights to the images, and you take full responsibility for the content of all images, including the likeness of recognizable individuals. The actual artwork will remain the property of the artists. The artists will grant copyright to the Cape Liberty Fund for display and promotional use.
1st place "Reflections from Above" Bella Hanlon